
Volume Loss/Fat Loss in Labia Majora

With ageing and the consequences of the menopause, the outer lips of the vulva, or labia majora can shrink or lose volume.



This can have an impact on the natural lubrication of the vagina and the functional ability to protect it from fungal infections, for example. Replacing this lost volume can both restore the look and natural functions of the vulva and vagina.

Patient Feedback


The issue I had was Erectile Dysfunction and having had the treatment done, it has been nothing short of a miracle and has worked wonders for me.

I have seen an increase in length, increase in size, there’s a lot more girth, sensitivity has increased, firmness has increased. It has given me more confidence in myself to be successful in this world and I can’t thank these guys (Dr Wakil) enough because as a man it is very important to have your sexual function.

Adrian, United Kingdom

The issue I had was Erectile Dysfunction and having had the treatment done, it has been nothing short of a miracle and has worked wonders for me.

I have seen an increase in length, increase in size, there’s a lot more girth, sensitivity has increased, firmness has increased. It has given me more confidence in myself to be successful in this world and I can’t thank these guys (Dr Wakil) enough because as a man it is very important to have your sexual function.

Adrian, United Kingdom

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